KRONEN® Soil for green house plants

KRONEN® soil for green house plants, palms, yucca and various other plants is a ready-to-use substrate designed for planting and transplanting plants under sheltered conditions. Manufactured on the basis of peat fractions of varying degrees of decomposition and clay. The 20 L packs contain ECOFIBREX® wood fibre, which, used in larger containers, have a beneficial effect on the structure and drainage of the substrate.
Available in packs: 20L
- Less to more decomposed peat
- Clay
- Moisturizing agent
- Fertilizer
- Specially composed substrate for greenhouse plants e.g. palms, yucca, and other similar plants
- Loose, permeable structure suitable for the root system of these plants
- Clay supports water and nutrient storage, preventing them from being washed out
- Moisturizing agent improves water absorption and distribution in the substrate
- Fertilizer provides nutrients according to the nutritional requirements of these plants for up to 4 weeks
- pH 5.5 – 6.0

Planting in containers:
Pour a small amount of soil into the bottom of the container, place the plant, top up with soil 2cm below the edge of the pot, lightly compress, water.
Repot young plants or in small containers once a year, older plants every 2-3 years. Repot in early spring or after flowering, preferably into a larger container. The root mass should be carefully removed, gently cleaned from dead roots, dried out immerse for about 1 minute in water at room temperature. Place the plant in a container, add soil, water it generously for the first time.
KRONEN® Soil for green houseplants, palms, yucca and others contains a starter dose of multi-component fertilizer with microelements sufficient for 3 weeks. After this period, start feeding the plants with multi-component fertilizer with trace elements if possible with the addition of organic fertilizer. Good results are obtained with long-acting fertilizers. Fertilizer should be used according to manufacturer's instructions.