Climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emissions have become priorities for the modern world. For this reason, more and more attention is being paid to the protection of natural resources such as water and peatlands, which are unique ecosystems that store carbon and maintain ecological balance.
Out of respect for the environment, we make every effort to save peat as a valuable raw material. For this reason, the KRONEN® TERRA PRETA line of peat-free substrates, inspired by the legendary terra preta soil from the Amazon basin, was introduced to the Polish market in 2022.
The illustration comes from: ‘legacy of Amazonian dark earth soils on forest structure and species composition,’ 14 June 2020
TERRA PRETA's unique formulation is based on a synergy of its ingredients. The addition of ECOFIBREX® wood fibres, composted coniferous tree bark, coconut fibres and chips, compost, vegetable charcoal and specially selected components create a fertile substrate without the addition of peat. All ingredients are fully renewable.
The placing of peat-free substrates on the market is our step towards environmental protection and sustainable production.